Monday, August 24, 2009


Class Ticket, Anyone?

IF I were a father, and my child received a class ticket, I would feel bad…
A class ticket reminds me of doing things carefully.
For students who give their full attention to learning, a class ticket is like a matter of life and death.
Kim Alexis
It is not the kind of ticket you buy in going to the movies and amusement parks. It’s not what kids will be happy about. In fact, it’s the complete opposite.
Andrea Nova
It is a sign that you’re not doing the responsibilities well and you don’t discipline yourself.
Lara Mae,
It is maintaining your discipline so that you enjoy living and studying in the school.
Bernice Lorraine
It is a piece of pink paper given to students who are noisy, cheating, not respectful, etc…
Classtickphobia – Fear of Class Ticket
Carl Joseph,
It is stronger than the teachers. It can make or break one’s character and behavior.
Class Tickets build a harmonious relationship because everyone is disciplined.
Receiving one means we are not showing good behavior…
Eva Eunice
A class ticket is a dangerous thing.
Jose Andrew,
If you do receive a class ticket, don’t be mad at yourself, nor at your teachers. Instead, try to make sure you won’t get another one next time.
Ferna Del

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